Legal Disclosure

Legal and business information

Responsibility and security are among us core values. If you have a request to us, then we're available for you at eye level.

The Company

Legal and commercial information

Antique Wines & Spirits
Jörg Matzdorff
Habichtweg 7
51429 Bergisch Gladbach

+49 151 14 73 83 83

Mr. Jörg Matzdorff

Sole proprietorship

DE 226 766 701

Most of your ordered products do not contain VAT and are subject to the margin tax sceme acc. §25a UStG. Products which contain the VAT will have the VAT amount separately exposed and will be delivered VAT-free to all Non-EU countries. Import tax and duties may apply in your country. Inform yourself about customs regulations in your country before placing an order.

All rights reserved. All content, text, images, photographs and layout used on this website are subject to copyright.

For all means of cross-references (links) connected web content the provider assumes no responsibility, because it is not our own content. The linked sites were checked for illegal content, at the time such was not recognizable. Responsible for the content of linked pages are their operators. The provider is not obliged to general monitoring and review. Upon notification of a violation, the corresponding link will be removed immediately.

You can reach the European online dispute resolution platform of the EU Commission via the portal of the European Commission:

We're not obliged or willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.